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Cross Channel (ENG) - Android VNDS (fixed)
Magnet (223)  Offline Uploader : mangleus 
Date : 2021-12Size : 356 M
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**Cross Channel for Android on VNDS (fixed)** …has been around for years and years…but… - I has always been *broken* to the degree of making the game impossible to complete (depending on the order of player choices). In this version I implemented the fixes from (Fixing these script files: cca.scr, ccb2007.scr, ccd0007.scr, ccd0102.scr). - The VNDS version for Android had ABYSMALLY LOW resolution and HORRIBLE audio bitrate. Even on a very small smartphone the game looked disgusting. I re-rendered it from the PC version to 1024 x 800 (before it was 320 x 240) and converted the audio to best quality OGG quality. Due to good compression the total filesize for the game increased only from 160mb to 350mb. But now it looks good even on my tablet :) INCLUDED: Last .apk of VNDS for android needed to play this game. NOTE: If something is broken or messed up i’m sorry (and surprised). I do not think this is the case, but need to write a disclamer just in case. ![alt text](

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