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[Fighting] [Dime en loan] スーパーヒロインアテネレイザー / Laser Babe Athena VS
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Date : 2014-05Size : 264.8 M
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[Fighting] [Dime en loan] スーパーヒロインアテネレイザー / Laser Babe Athena VS

Title: スーパーヒロインアテネレイザー / Laser Babe Athena VS
Brand: Dime en loan
Release: 2014/05/18
File size: 264MB

Dime en loan presents...

Our *NEW* 2nd pixel assault 2D fighting game!!!

We've changed things quite bit from AVH -Alien VS Heroine-

There are still only 2 characters. LOL
That said, Laser Babe Athena VS boasts 3 FIGHT STYLES per character:
The same character can fight in very different ways.

More changes are detailed below!!!!

- Voice added when the heroine takes damage / is pleasured
- Air combos and bound pickups are smoothly integrated
- Huge numbers of SPECIAL and NEAR DEATH SUPERSPECIAL attacks have been added
- A kind of training mode has been added
- Failed fight H screens
- Game over H screens with multiple patterns based on factors during the fight
- Improved pixel graphics... or... well... kind of :P
- BGM included

Check out the free playable trial.
Most PCs should be able to handle it, but I can't promise that.
Please play the trial to confirm compatibility. ;)

* This is a fighting game! THIS IS A FIGHTING GAME! For this reason,
playing with a USB gamepad is strongly recommended.

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