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[H-Games][RPG] NoiL -Kenshi of Lifalise- ( NoiL -リファリースの剣士- )
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Date : 2015-11Size : 55.6 M
No snapshot? Click me to search! Savedata Walkthrough EXHENTAI E-HENTAI
* Concept

An easy-to-play Action RPG.
Clear the game in 1-2 hours.
Great for gamers on a time budget!


* Story

NoiL was a traveler who lived by the sword.
On her travels, she came to the church village of Lifalise,
where she accepted an escort mission for a nun.
It was then that an ancient demon rose,
cursing NoiL with a barren womb.

NoiL vowed to vanquish the demon...
Will it lift her curse?


* System

Traditional Action RPG elements with real-time attacks.
Upgrade s*s and learn new ones as your character grows!

All enemies come with "defeat H events".
When you are defeated, there's a percentage chance to
obtain a special enchantment. What does it do?

Other H events can be found in the village,
such as by trading sex for money.

Pose art reflects "damage" inflicted in battle.

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