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[RPG] [スケイルガーデン] 閃撃のギア / [ScaleGarden] Sangeki of Gear
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Date : 2016-03Size : 120.1 M
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[RPG] [スケイルガーデン] 閃撃のギア / [ScaleGarden] Sangeki of Gear

Title / タイトル: 閃撃のギア / Gear of hiramekiuchi
Brand / ブランド: 一人オンライン / ScaleGarden
Release / 販売日: 2016/03/12
File size / ファイル容量: 120MB

As for the Eren living in the Riifu lake village, a sword is usable, and a milk bottle is big Beautiful Girl.
Spent peaceful days, but threatening Kage steals up such her……. A sub-person
The Eren that a body will be aimed at by a thief, men of the same village.

Can the Beautiful Girl fencer Eren really escape from the greed of men?…….

■Operate a Beautiful Girl fencer, and be RPG enjoying a naughty event.

■Event CG27 mai (do not include it for a difference).

■There are a CG mode, a recollection mode.







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